Tuesday, 20 February 2018

When role-play turns into a role-play marathon

We had an afternoon of making a campsite. We thought about everything we might need like:
-Teddy bears
-Cooking equipment

A peer started peeling an onion that we brought on our camp trip and it was really smelly and his eyes started to water. "You need googles" said someone and a friend got to work making some with the help of an adult to hold still the pots. 

The books we were exploring turned into a campsite. Can you spot our campfire? The fire engines were called at one point as it got too big.

Where do these animals live?

Someone gave us a bag of animals. We had to sort them into places that they lived either in a hot or cold climate.
We asked lots of different questions:
 "is that a leopard?" Someone said "it's a cheetah" so we investigated the difference between them on the Internet.
"What do polar bears eat?"

We had to add the sea underneath as there wasn't a sea to begin with and came across a problem when we pulled out a shark from the bag.

Giant Mark Making

When you start to mark make and with a little help from your friends it starts to grow.

"This is dino egg number three."

"This is a diplodocus egg"

"This is its tale"

"His long neck that can get to trees"